Journal Articles [Google Scholar Profile]

  1. A Mathon-type construction for digraphs and improved lower bounds for Ramsey numbers
    (with C. Monico)
    submitted for publication, 8 pages.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  2. Splitting Hypergeometric Functions over Roots of Unity
    (with M. Tripathi)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 11:57 (2024), 26 pp.
    [ Journal | Journal (free view) | arXiv ]

  3. Transitive subtournaments of k-th power Paley digraphs and improved lower bounds for Ramsey numbers
    (with M. Springfield)
    Graphs and Combinatorics, 40:71 (2024), 21 pp.
    [ Journal | Journal (free view) | arXiv | Download Python Code ]

  4. The number of 𝔽q-points on diagonal hypersurfaces with monomial deformation
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 328-2 (2024), 339-359.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  5. Orbits of Finite Field Hypergeometric Functions and Complete Subgraphs of Generalized Paley Graphs
    (with M. Springfield)
    Involve, 17-2 (2024), 355-362.
    [ Journal | Download Python Code ]

  6. Eigenvalues and Fourier coefficients of degree two Siegel eigenforms constructed from Igusa theta constants
    Research in Number Theory, 8:88 (2022), 13 pp.
    [ Journal | Journal (free view) ]

  7. Hypergeometric Functions over Finite Fields and Modular Forms: A Survey and New Conjectures
    (with M. Locus Dawsey)
    Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 285 (2021) 41-56.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  8. Generalized Paley Graphs and their Complete Subgraphs of Orders Three and Four
    (with M. Locus Dawsey)
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 8:18 (2021), 23pp.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  9. Sequences, modular forms and cellular integrals
    (with R. Osburn and A. Straub)
    Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 168(2) (2020), 379-404.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  10. On a question of Zhang
    (with Y. Yang)
    Communications in Algebra, 47:12 (2019), 5133-5134.
    [ Journal ]

  11. Apéry-like numbers and families of newforms with complex multiplication
    (with A. Gomez and D. Young)
    Research in Number Theory, 5:5 (2019), 12 pp.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  12. The number of 𝔽p-points on Dwork hypersurfaces and hypergeometric functions
    Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 4:4 (2017), 15 pp.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  13. Multiplicative relations for Fourier coefficients of degree 2 Siegel eigenforms
    Journal of Number Theory, 170 (2017), 263-281.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  14. Hypergeometric type identities in the p-adic setting and modular forms
    (with J. Fuselier)
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144 (2016), 1493-1508.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  15. A finite field hypergeometric function associated to eigenvalues of a Siegel eigenform
    (with M. Papanikolas)
    International Journal of Number Theory, 11 (2015), no. 8, 2431-2450.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  16. Summation identities and special values of hypergeometric series in the p-adic setting
    (with R. Barman and N. Saikia)
    Journal of Number Theory, 153 (2015), 63-84.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  17. The trace of Frobenius of elliptic curves and the p-adic gamma function
    Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 261 (2013), no. 1, 219-236.
    [ Journal | arXiv

  18. Transformations of well-poised hypergeometric functions over finite fields
    Finite Fields and Their Applications, 18 (2012), no. 6, 1133-1147.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  19. On a supercongruence conjecture of Rodriguez-Villegas
    Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 140 (2012), 2241-2254.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  20. Extending Gaussian hypergeometric series to the p-adic setting
    International Journal of Number Theory, 8 (2012), no. 7, 1581-1612.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  21. Binomial coefficient-harmonic sum identities associated to supercongruences
    Integers, 11 (2011), A37, 8 pp.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  22. 3F2 Hypergeometric series and periods of elliptic curves
    International Journal of Number Theory, 6 (2010), no. 3, 461-470.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

  23. A p-adic analogue of a formula of Ramanujan
    (with R. Osburn)
    Archiv der Mathematik 91 (2008), no. 6, 492-504.
    [ Journal | arXiv ]

Book Chapter

  1. Sequences, modular forms and cellular integrals
    (with R. Osburn and A. Straub)
    2017 MATRIX Annals, edited by David R. Wood et al., MATRIX Book Series 2, Springer, 2019.
    [ Series | Book ]