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Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Jiho Park
Affiliated Researcher

Jiho Park received his Ph.D. degree in Financial Mathematics from Sogang University in 2013, while also working as a risk management consultant for FIST Global. He spent two years at Stonybrook University as a visiting scholar before coming to Texas Tech as a postdoctoral teaching scholar in the fall of 2018, performing research in the MF group. As of fall 2020, Dr. Park is working as a risk analyst for Citigroup in Frisco, TX. His research areas are probability distribution models, risk management and option pricing in financial mathematics, and numerical methods in finance.






Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle
Lubbock, TX 79409-1042


Mathematical Finance Program



Mathematical Finance Program

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University offers MS and PhD training in mathematical finance. MF is the area of finance in which intricate mathematical models are used to predict markets, set prices, enhance returns, and manage risk. MF professionals are known as quantitative analysts ("quants").


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Email Dr. Lindquist



Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle
Lubbock, TX 79409-1042


(806) 742-2566


For more information, please contact Dr. Rachev or Dr. Lindquist.