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- Dr. W. Brent Lindquist
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
W. Brent Lindquist, MF program co-director, holds the rank of Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University. He received his PhD in theoretical physics from Cornell. His involvement with computation methods lead him to the Courant Institute for Mathematical Sciences at New York University, finalizing his transition to a research career in computational mathematics. Prior to joining Texas Tech, Dr. Lindquist served as Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Stony Brook University where he helped lead the transition of that department to one of the top 10 applied math programs in the country.
As a computational mathematician, Brent has developed numerical methods for: PDEs; flow in porous media; automated 3D image analysis for porous media, neuron, and fiber analyses; Riemann problems in 2D; hierarchy formation in social animal groups; and numerical solution of Feynman diagrams. He is a co-recipient of the Lee Segal prize from the Society of Mathematical Biology. He was one of the founding developers of the Frontier package used to study flow at field scales and is the principal architect of the 3DMA-Rock code for studying flow at the pore-scale. He was a founder of the company that marketed Frontier and has commercially licensed his 3DMA-Rock code. Dr. Lindquist has over 100 publications, has presented his research in 25 countries on five continents, and participated as PI or co-PI in $20M of grant funding. He has supervised over 35 Ph.D. students.
Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle
Lubbock, TX 79409-1042
Mathematical Finance Program

Mathematical Finance Program
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University offers MS and PhD training in mathematical finance. MF is the area of finance in which intricate mathematical models are used to predict markets, set prices, enhance returns, and manage risk. MF professionals are known as quantitative analysts ("quants").
Email Dr. Rachev
Email Dr. Lindquist
Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle
Lubbock, TX 79409-1042
(806) 742-2566
For more information, please contact Dr. Rachev or Dr. Lindquist.