Algebra and Number Theory
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Texas Tech University
The aim of the talk is to give a nice visual introduction to the world of knot theory. This talk provides the foundation of a new cryptographic protocol, involving knots. This is joint work with Silvia Sconza.
Join the Zoom Meeting at 3 PM (CST UT-6)
Meeting ID: 958 5298 7437
Passcode: 922447
In this talk, we start providing a friendly introduction to Cryptography, focusing on the (Generalized) Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. Building on this foundation, we present a novel cryptographic protocol that utilizes the semigroup of oriented knots under the connected sum operation. The shared secret key is derived from a knot invariant, computed from two distinct representations of the same knot. The security of this protocol relies on two computationally hard problems: the Decomposition Problem, which involves determining the prime decomposition of a knot, and the Recognition Problem, which asks whether two knot diagrams represent the same knot. This is a joint work with Arno Wildi.
Join the Zoom Meeting at 3 PM (CST UT-6)
Meeting ID: 958 5298 7437
Passcode: 922447
We will discuss several algebraic public key exchange proposals involving semigroups, highlighting similarities and differences and the best known attacks on each.
Join the Zoom Meeting at 3 PM (CST UT-6)
Meeting ID: 958 5298 7437
Passcode: 922447
 | Wednesday Mar. 26 3 PM MA 114
| | TBA Elizabeth Payton Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University