C. Monico. Cryptanalysis of a hash function, and the modular subset sum problem,
Groups, Complex. Cryptol., 11 (2019), 17--23.
C. Monico, Cryptanalysis of a matrix-based MOR system.
Comm. Algebra, 44 (2016), 218--227.
(preprint here).
C. Monico, M. D. Neusel. Cryptanalysis of a system using matrices over group rings.
Groups, Complexity, Cryptology, 7 (2015), 175--182. preprint.
C. Monico, M. D. Neusel. Vector invariants of Syl_p(GL(n, F_q)) and their Hilbert ideals.
Advances in Mathematics, 285 (2015), 1619--1629.
(preprint here).
P. Hadjicostas, C. Monico. A new inequality related to the Diaconis-Graham inequalities and a new characterization
of the dihedral group. The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 63 (2015), 226--245.
A. Biswas, C. Monico. Limiting value of higher Mahler measure,
J. Number Theory, 143 (2014), 357--362.
(preprint here).
P. Hadjicostas, C. Monico. A re-examination of the Diaconis-Graham inequality,
JCMCC, 87 (2013), 275--295.
A. Farooqi, R. Gale, S. Reddy, B. Nutter, C. Monico.
Markov source based test length optimized SCAN-BIST architecture,10th International
Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2009), pp. 708--713. IEEE 2009. .
C.Monico, M. Peterson. F_2 Lanczos revisited.Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 428:4 (2008), 1135--1150.
M. Elia, C. Monico.
On the representation of primes in Q(\sqrt{2}) as sums of squares.JP Journal of Algebra, Number
Theory and Applications, 8 (2007), 121--133.
G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal.
Public key cryptography based on semigroup actions. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 1 (2007), 489--507.
C. Monico. On finite congruence-simple semirings.J. of Algebra 271 (2004), 846--854.
Preprint here.
E. Byrne, C. Kelley, C. Monico, and J. Rosenthal.
Non-linear codes for belief propagation.
In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
page 43, Yokohama, JAPAN, 2003.
C. Monico. Computing the primary decomposition of zero-dimensional
ideals.J. of Symbolic Computation, 34 (2002) 451--459.
(The algorithm from this paper has been
implemented in the ``primdec.lib'' library of the computer algebra
package Singular.)
G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Climent and J. Rosenthal.
Public-key cryptography
based on simple modules over simple rings.Proceedings of MTNS 2002.
G. Maze, C. Monico, J. Rosenthal. A public-key cryptosystem
based on actions by semigroups. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE
International Symposium on Information Theory, page 266, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2002.
C. Monico, J. Rosenthal and A. Shokrollahi. Using low density parity check
codes in the McEliece cryptosystem.Proceedings 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Students directed:
Dylan Rudy, Ph.D., ``Vulnerabilities of some semidirect products in Diffie-Hellman key exchanges.'' 2021 (co-directed with D. McCarthy).
Yang Zhang, Ph.D., ``An Investigation of Some Public Key Exchange Cryptosystems.'' 2017.
Katie Bishop, M.S. (thesis), ``Iteration functions for Pollard's rho method on elliptic curve groups.'' 2016.
Ashley Ray, M.S. (thesis), ``A representation of Chaocipher .'' 2012.
Kristine Seaman, M.S. (thesis), ``Kryptos.'' 2012. (co-directed with M. Neusel)
Ernee Kozyreff, M.S. (report), ``Grobner basis and the ideal membership problem.'' 2012.
Bo Gilbert, M.S. (report), ``Properties of happy numbers.'' 2011. (co-directed with R. Barnard)
Robert Danhof, M.S. (report), ``A Primer on the elliptic curve method.'' 2011.
Arunabha Biswas, M.S. (report), ``A report on the state of Grimm's conjecture.'' 2010. (co-directed with R. Barnard)
Ronnie Williams, M.S. (thesis), ``Cubic polynomials in the number field sieve.'', 2010.
Raymond Dick, M.S. (thesis), ``An additive characterization of quadratic residues in finite fields.'', 2009.
Aftab Farooqi, Ph.D. EE, ``Markov source based test length optimized SCAN-BIST architecture.'' 2008.
Steven Lawless, M.S. (thesis), ``Super-resolution by local function approximation.'' 2007.
Anton Badev, M.S. (report), ``Constructing utility functions in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces.'' 2007.
Michael Peterson, M.S. (thesis), ``Parallel block Lanczos for solving large binary systems.'' 2006.
Memet Bulut, M.S. (report), ``An introduction to Schoof's algorithm.'' 2006.
Brian Miller, M.S. (thesis), ``A construction of arithmetic progression-free sequences.'' 2004.