STA 6166 UNIT 4 Section 2 Answers
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Unit 5Section 2 Answers

Social and Education

Latin Square Design

Below is a hypothetical experiment on the effect of various types of background music on the productivity of workers on an electronics assembly line. It is well known that productivity differs among various days of the week as well as during certain times of the day. Hence we design the experiment with the column factor being day of the week and the row factor being times of the day. The treatment are five "types" of music.

Productivity is measured by the average number of correctly working components per 15 minutes that exit the line during the test period. The data for the analysis are presented below in stacked format.

Times   Day             Music   Components
9_10    Monday          C       10.5      
10_11   Monday          B       10.3      
11_12   Monday          D       8.6       
1_2     Monday          A       7.3       
2_3     Monday          E       8.1       
9_10    Tuesday         B       11.4      
10_11   Tuesday         A       6.5       
11_12   Tuesday         C       12.1      
1_2     Tuesday         E       11.7      
2_3     Tuesday         D       9.6       
9_10    Wednesday       E       10.4      
10_11   Wednesday       D       14.0      
11_12   Wednesday       A       11.3      
1_2     Wednesday       C       16.0      
2_3     Wednesday       B       12.0      
9_10    Thursday        A       8.0       
10_11   Thursday        E       11.4      
11_12   Thursday        B       12.6      
1_2     Thursday        D       16.0      
2_3     Thursday        C       12.7      
9_10    Friday          D       9.3       
10_11   Friday          C       12.5      
11_12   Friday          E       10.6      
1_2     Friday          B       13.0      
2_3     Friday          A       8.0