5099, 6000, 6310, 7000, 8000 Course Request Form

Before filling out this form, please contact the professor and obtain a permission. Also please check at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/math/teaching/current_schedules.php first to see if there is already a course open.

You can register the class requested after it appears in http://www.depts.ttu.edu/math/teaching/current_schedules.php . Note that all the 5099, 6000, 6310, 7000, 8000 courses are variable credit courses. Please select the correct number of credit hours when you register. It will be 1 credit hour by default if you do not choose. You can find an instruction on how to change credit hours here.

Your Name:

Your TTU R-number:

Choose One:


Professor's Name: