5099, 6000, 6310, 7000, 8000 Course Request Form

Before filling out this form, please contact the professor and obtain a permission. Also please check at http://www.depts.ttu.edu/math/teaching/current_schedules.php first to see if there is already a course open.

After the requested course appears in http://www.depts.ttu.edu/math/teaching/current_schedules.php , please email the CRN and your R# to David Cannon for a department permission before register. Note that all the 5099, 6000, 6310, 7000, 8000 courses are variable credit courses. Please select the correct number of credit hours when you register. It will be 1 credit hour by default if you do not choose. You can find an instruction on how to change credit hours here.

Your Name:

Choose One:


Professor's Name: