Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics
Preparation of School Teachers:
The Journal

Construction of this site is supported by the Department of Mathematics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas and a grant from the Charles A. Dana Center for Mathematics and Science Education, University of Texas, Austin Texas.

Editor: Gary Harris


The target audience for Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal consists of faculty members and administrators at institutions of higher education who are involved with the mathematics preparation of pre-service K-12 teachers.


The Journal is intended to provide a formal forum for the dissemination of the research results, insights, and ideas of professional educators and mathematicians on the wide variety of issues that pertain to the college level mathematics preparation of future K-12 teachers.


Appropriate submissions will include research and expository articles, essays and thought pieces, and professional observations and discussions which focus specifically on issues of content and pedagogy, philosophical and practical, related to the college level mathematical preparation of future K-12 teachers.


Submissions will be reviewed (in a blind referee format) by professional educators and mathematicians (chosen by the editor according to areas of specialization) for appropriateness of the topic, validity of the results or conclusions, general interest in the topic, and adherence to generally accepted standards of good writing.


The journal has been assigned an ISSN number: ISSN 2165-7874

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