Janessa Beach is a Mathematics Ph.D. candidate at the University of Texas at Arlington. Her research interests include developing prospective secondary mathematics teachers� and mathematics teacher educators� mathematical knowledge for teaching. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in academia.


James A. Mendoza �lvarez is a Professor of Mathematics and a Distinguished Teaching Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington where he also serves as the graduate director of the Master of Arts in Mathematics program for practicing secondary mathematics teachers. His primary research interests are in mathematical problem solving and the development of mathematical knowledge for teaching for both prospective and practicing mathematics teachers. He is also active in providing professional development for mathematics faculty associated with implementing Emerging Scholars Programs and using active learning strategies in the classroom.


Theresa Jorgensen is an Associate Professor and a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Texas at Arlington. Her research and professional interests in mathematics focus on the mathematical education of teachers, vertical connections within mathematics curricula, and program development.