Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Texas Tech University
 | Wednesday Apr. 23 4:00 Math011
| | Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning TBA Christof Sparber Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
When: 4:00 pm (Lubbock's local time is GMT -6)
Where: room Math 011 (Math Basement)
ZOOM details:
- Choice #1: use this link
Direct Link that embeds meeting and ID and passcode.
- Choice #2: join meeting using this link
Join Meeting, then you will have to input the ID and Passcode by hand:
* Meeting ID: 979 1333 6658
* Passcode: Applied (Note the capital letter "A")
 | Friday Apr. 25 NOON online
| | Mathematical Finance TBA Assa Hirbod Founding member & Quantitative Researcher, Edge Technologies, Director and founder, Modelibrary
abstract noon CDT (UT-5)
Zoom link available from Dr. Brent Lindquist upon request.