This will be an expository talk about the direction of research about which the speaker is currently learning. A lot of effort has been devoted by many mathematicians to prove the ``positive'' answer to the Navier-Stokes problem, specifically that for every sufficiently smooth initial data with uniformly bounded kinetic energy, there exists a global smooth solution that preserves the same uniform bound on the energy. Smoothness immediately deduces uniqueness; thus, by contrapositive, the lack of uniqueness leads to the lack of smoothness. Hence, the ``negative'' answer to the Navier-Stokes problem requires finding an initial data that is smooth, has uniformly bounded kinetic energy, and the solution emanating from it eventually loses uniqueness. This is a very difficult direction of research; I end this abstract with the following quote by Terence Tao in 2007: ``Unfortunately, even though the Navier-Stokes equation is known to be very unstable, it is not clear at all how to pass from this to a rigorous demonstration of a blowup solution.''