Week: | Apr. 15 - Apr. 21 | Previous | Next | All |
Current week |
| Colloquia Skeins and Characters Charles Frohman Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa |
| Analysis Asymptotic expansions for decaying solutions of ODEs. Part II Luan Hoang Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Biomathematics Light driven dynamics of spatial Algae-Daphnia interaction as primitive evolutionary models with chemotaxis Akif Ibragimov Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Algebra and Number Theory Riemann zeta and multiple zeta functions and their special values. An introduction. (Part 2) Cezar Lupu Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning Krylov Implicit Integration Factor Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Sparse Grids for High-dimensional Reaction-diffusion Equations Yuan Liu Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University |
| Topology and Geometry Invariants of geometric structures of three-manifolds derived from the Kauffman bracket Charles Frohman Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa |