Week: | Feb. 18 - Feb. 24 | Previous | Next | All |
Current week |
| Colloquia Study of Slow-Fast Motions Using Dynamical Systems Approach Pei Yu Department of Applied Mathematics, Western University |
| Colloquia An Introduction to Bayesian Hypothesis Testing in High Dimensions / Weak Galerkin (WG) Finite Element Methods for PDEs Min Wang / Chunmei Wang Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Real-Algebraic Geometry Long Exact Homology Sequence, II David Weinberg Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Analysis Anderson localization in nonlocal models. Part II Joshua Padgett Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Statistics An Approach to Statistical Process Control that is New, Nonparametric, Simple, and Powerful Jay Conover Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Algebra and Number Theory Introduction to the p-adic numbers Dermot McCarthy Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Topology and Geometry The dilogarithm function in geometry and number theory (Part VII) Cezar Lupu Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University |
| Mathematics Education Proportional reasoning in high school geometry Minju Yi College of Education, Texas Tech University |