11th Emmy Noether High School Mathematics Day
Texas Tech University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

May 15th, 2013

Career Panel

Dr. Linda Allen, Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Mathematics at Texas Tech University.
Dr. Allen received her Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and, in 1985, she came to Texas Tech University. She has worked with colleagues and students on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases in human, animal, and plant populations including models for measles, chickenpox, rabies, hantavirus, influenza, and chytridiomycosis. She has served as the research advisor for 10 undergraduate students, 30 MS students, and 9 PhD students. She is the author of two textbooks An Introduction to Mathematical Biology and An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology, more than 90 journal articles, and currently serves on the editorial boards of five journals.

Dr. Jaclyn Cañas-Carrel, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Toxicology at Texas Tech University.
Dr. Cañas-Carrel was born and raised in El Paso, TX. She received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Texas Tech University. As a professor at Texas Tech University, she conducts research related to characterizing exposure of organisms to environmental contaminants as well as studying how contaminants move in the environment. Dr. Cañas-Carrel's current research focus is on evaluating the toxicity and fate of manufactured nanomaterials. As a double minority (Mexican American and female), she is also extremely passionate about helping other underrepresented minorities to succeed in higher education and science. She is the Director of the Plains Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program, which is a partnership between South Plains College and Texas Tech University that provides opportunities for community college students to conduct undergraduate research at Texas Tech University. Dr. Cañas-Carrell is also involved in other activities related to STEM Education and Outreach. She is currently an Associate Director of the TTU STEM Center. She serves as the faculty advisor for the Texas Tech Chapter of SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science).

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