Mathematics and Statistics           
2003 Red Raider Minisymposium
Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Biological Systems

Thank you for participating in this meeting and making it a grand success. We hope this conference was as useful and enjoyable to you as it was to us. We would greatly appreciate if you could take some time in completing the online feedback form which will assist us. If you have any questions, please contact:

Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Box 41042, Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-1042

On-Line Conference Feedback Form

Please rate each of the following:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Registration process
Content of the sessions
Campus/HPCC tour
Palo Duro Canyon tour
Conference Banquet and Reception
Overall Rating

Do you feel this meeting will have an impact on your research/teaching? Yes No

Please include below, any comments that you wish to share about the meeting and click on `submit form'. Thank you for your time.



2003 Red Raider Minisymposium Home Page

Department Home Page