Travel to TTU

Flying to Lubbock

Service to Lubbock International Airport include Southwest Airlines, Continental Airlines, and American Airlines. Available transportation service from LIA, located approximately 15 minutes from the conference hotels, includes City Cab (806) 765-7474, Yellow Cab (806) 765-7777, Royal Cab (806) 749 5333, VIP Royal coach Private Service (806) 795 3888, Limousines of Lubbock (806) 743 5466, Lone Star Limousine (888) 286 5466, White Knights Limousines (806) 799 3366.

Driving to Lubbock

Centrally located between Dallas, Texas, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, Interstate 27 connects the city of Lubbock with two east-west interstate systems, I-20 and I-40. State highways 82, 84, 87, and 114 also provide easy access to cities throughout the region. The following numbers may also provide more information: Emergency Road Conditions - (806) 745-4411, Texas Department of Transportation - (806) 745-4411, Tourist Information - (800) 452-9292.

(See Texas Tech University Campus Map)