Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Minor in Mathematics
All of the following core courses are required:
- MATH 1451 - Calculus I
- MATH 1452 - Calculus II
- MATH 2450 - Calculus III
One of the following two courses is required:TEST
- MATH 2360 - Linear Algebra
- MATH 3351 - Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II
Six semester hours of mathematics at the junior-senior level
which can be selected from the following list are also required:
- MATH 3310 - Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning and Proof
- MATH 3342 - Mathematical Statistics for Engineers & Scientists +
- MATH 3350 - Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I
or MATH 3354 - Differential Equations I
(credit may not be received for both 3350 and 3354) - MATH 3360 - Foundations of Algebra I
- MATH 3430 - Computational Techniques for Science and Mathematics
- MATH 4000 - Selected topics in upper division Mathematics
- MATH 4310 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
- MATH 4312 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis II
- MATH 4330 - Mathematical Computing
- MATH 4342 - Mathematical Statistics I +
- MATH 4343 - Mathematical Statistics II
- MATH 4350 - Advanced Calculus I
- MATH 4351 - Advanced Calculus II
- MATH 4354 - Differential Equations II
- MATH 4356 - Elementary Functions of Complex Variables
- MATH 4360 - Foundations of Algebra II
- MATH 4362 - Theory of Numbers
- MATH 4363 - Introduction to Combinatorics
+ MATH 3342 & 4342 cannot both be counted toward a Math Minor