Syllabus for Mathematics 5318 - Intermediate Analysis - Spring 2003


General Information


Class Participation




  Grading System  What you should
also know


Please read this syllabus carefully. You will be responsible for all the information given here, and for any modifications to it that may be announced in class.

Text: The textbook for this course is Methods of Real Analysis, (2ndedition), by Richard Goldberg.

Instructor: Lourdes Juan, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Office:      235 Mathematics
Phone:      742-1469
Office hours:      Tue:  2:30--3:30
Thu:  1:30--3:30
and by appointment.

Class Participation: Although points will not be given for attendance, roll will be taken for the purpose of information.

You are expected to attend all lectures, and are responsible for all information given out during them.

Homework: It is absolutely essential to work a large number of problems on a regular basis. Problem assignments are given in the Class Schedule and Homework Assignments page.

To receive full credit, homework must be turned in on time.

Each Friday the homework assignment for the previous days will be collected. The problems marked with * will be graded.

You may consult with other students about the homework problems, indeed I encourage you to do so. However, you will need to write up the solutions in your own words.

Testing: The exams will test understanding of some of the theoretical ideas and additional techniques presented in the lectures. You are expected to do proofs symilar to the ones done in class and in homework problems. Examinations will be given during the regular lecture hour on the following dates, covering the listed sections.

Exam I   Friday, Mar 7  Chapters 1,2,3
Exam II   Friday, April 18  Chapters 4,5

The final examination will be held on Friday, May 9, from 10:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. University regulations require that you take it at that time. It will cover all sections listed in the class schedule.

All tests must be taken at the scheduled times, except in extraordinary circumstances. Please do not arrange travel plans that prevent you from taking any of the exams at the scheduled time. If you cannot take a test at the scheduled time, you should contact me in advance. Check the grading of your exams carefully when they are returned; all grading errors should be brought to my attention as soon as possible.

Grading system: There will be 200 points possible as follows:




50  25  Homework
50  25  Exam I
50  25  Exam II
50  25   Final Exam
200  100  Total possible

Course grades will be determined according to the following scale:

Total points:     Percent     Grade:
175-200     87.50-100.00    A
155-174.68     77.50-87.34    B
135-154.68     67.50-77.34     C
110.0-134.68     55.00-67.34     D
0.00-109.68     0.00-54.84    F
Grades are calculated by computer but errors in recording or entering scores can occur. Please keep your tests and homework so that you can verify the posted totals at the end of the semester, if you think that an error may have occurred.

Withdrawal Policy: Until February 26, you may withdraw and receive a ``W'' grade, no matter what scores you have so far achieved. May 2 is the last day to drop a course, transfer between colleges, or withdraw from the University.

Grade of Incomplete: The grade of ``I'' is a special-purpose grade given when a specific task needs to be completed to finish the coursework. This is typically a term paper or other special assignment, so rarely makes sense in a mathematics course. An ``I'' cannot be given to avoid receiving a low grade.

Calculators: This is a course of mathematical concepts and techniques, not a course of mechanical computation, so we will have little use for calculators. A few of the homework problems may require the use of a basic scientific calculator, which can perform numerical calculations, and can give values of the trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, and logarithm functions. Such a calculator can be purchased at discount stores for a few dollars. A basic scientific calculator can be used during exams, although it is not necessary to have one. However, since knowing the graphs of the standard functions from trigonometry and calculus is an essential skill, use of graphing calculators during exams is prohibited. Use of any calculator with the capability to store formulas or other information is also prohibited during exams.

Academic Misconduct: Cases of academic misconduct are inexcusable and will be punished to the maximum extent possible under University regulations. Don't do it.

Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability that may interfere with the demonstration of your abilities, please contact me as soon as possible to arrange accomodations necessary to ensure your full participation in the course.

Final Grades: You may pick up your graded final exam from me at any time before the end of the next semester. You will be able to obtain your grades from our course website as soon as they are available.

Advice: It is important to think about the subject daily or almost daily (you will learn much more in two hours a day for seven days than in seven hours a day for two days). Mathematics is best absorbed in small bits through repeated exposure, so it is more effective to work the homework problems from one section a few at a time over a period of days, rather than all at once in an extended session. This means you may be working problems from several sections of the book at the same time - this is actually better, since they will reinforce each other. If you approach the homework in this way, you will spend no more total time or effort, and will learn more. Occasional work sessions with fellow students can be very productive, as long as one avoids the pitfall of becoming dependent on others.

Working problems is your most important learning technique, but the exams will also draw on the ideas and key examples given in class. Take careful notes during the lectures, or if this does not work well for you, obtain them from someone else. The lectures provide your road map to learning the subject.

Nothing is more important than staying completely caught up; cramming is even less effective in mathematics than in other courses. If you need help, go to office hours or arrange an appointment immediately; do not compound your difficulties by delaying.