Listing of documented examples

About the examples

Source code for these examples can be found in Sundance/examples. The doxygen pages linked here will show a short description of the main() function. To see a source browser page, follow the link "Go to the source code for this file."

Laplace's equation

This example shows many of the core features of Sundance in the context of a simple linear PDE: getting a Mesh, defining geometry regions via CellFilter objects, setting up a weak form and boundary conditions using Expr objects, forming a LinearProblem, getting the solution back as a DiscreteFunction (a subtype of Expr), and then postprocessing and output. This example is explained in detail in the document GettingStarted.pdf.


These examples show the skeleton of "boilerplate" code that appears in most simulations you'll develop, as well as utilities for user input via command-line options and parameter lists. These examples are explained in detail in the document GettingStarted.pdf.

Linear PDE

Nonlinear PDE

These examples solve Bratu's equation $ -\nabla^2 u = \lambda e^u + f$ using several different methods. These examples are explained in detail in the document NonlinearExamples.pdf.

Transient PDE

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