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    TTU Math & Stat
    Factorizations achieved with the GGNFS software
  • I have removed most of the smaller examples to make room for some slightly more interesting ones. GGNFS is not quite upto an interesting point yet, but it has been used to factor some SNFS 100-150 digit numbers from the lists at
  • Note that I am neglecting the time for polynomial selection. In reality, though, this is not a negligible step! But for the size numbers we're at right now, it is.
  • Also, note that parameter selection was not necessarily optimal for these numbers!
  • Finally: These are literal timings, from a 3200+ Athlon XP. Also note that these are in `calander' time, not processor time. But I think most of them are pretty much on the money.

    GGNFS Version: GGNFS-0.30.0
    tstS2: n= (7^135 - 26)/17189077
    Digits: 107
    Poly: x^4 - 182
    Factor base: 50000/50003, 2LP, limit=40000000
    Sieve region: rectangular, a=[-2500000, 2500000] b=[1,100000] (10.4 hours)
    relations: 1172696 total (32620 full), net: 102478 full relations. (2 hours)
    Matrix: 100067 x 102478 with 3452639 nonzero entries.
    Pruned matrix: 96830 x 98799 with 3241549 nonzero entries (22.5 minutes)
    Square root: 50 seconds.
    Divisor 1: 57193416059866787056849810562654593428856404939606205039438841736303370248749
    Divisor 2: 1246340787605505082446220854829
    Total time: 12.8 hours

    GGNFS Version: GGNFS-0.41.0
    tst300: n= 96693117801151196901759163062845005740662686097142800237507655454506720219714304894194857
    Digits: 89
    Poly: 472142462220X^4 + 48092877789426X^3 -20683531137072628X^2 + 933616521383962703X + 19869490475668857650
    Factor base limits 600000/700000, LP limits 2^{25}/2^{25}
    Sieve region: Lattice only: q in [700000, 1180000] (2.7 hours).
    relations: 1277447 total, net: 118457 full relations. (.4 hours)
    Matrix: 105728 x 118457 with weight 10223244
    Pruned matrix: 103664 x 105770 with weight 8272947 (solve time: 0.8 hours)
    Square root: .15 hours.
    Divisor 1: 743507790479100314596230492599016928949651051
    Divisor 2: 130049905380069045841413544182676651433512507
    Total time: 4.1 hours

    GGNFS Version: GGNFS-0.40.2
    tst_DB_AL: n= (2^488+1)/257 (previously done by Bernstein, Lenstra in 1992 on a MasPar).
    Digits: 144
    Poly: x^5+4
    Factor base limits: 1300000/1300000, 2LP, limit=2^27 / 2^27
    Sieve region: lattice only, N(q)=1300000...2933283
    relations: total: 3685822, final fulls:211934 (29.0 hours)
    Matrix: 199913 x 211934 with weight 21344779
    Pruned matrix: 198205 x 202202 with weight 19631555 (solve time 2.75 hours)
    Square root: 0.1 hours.
    Divisor 1: 1035817877926014488587133818491976759389034764353
    Divisor 2: p_97
    Total time: 33 hours

    GGNFS Version: GGNFS-0.50.2
    rsa100: n= 1522605027922533360535618378132637429718068114961380688657908494580122963258952897654000350692006139
    Digits: 100
    Poly: 11834320x^5 + 7237710664x^4 - 23461090705819x^3 - 4934660279943864x^2 + 2161879914274565376x + 58428541449830190267
    Factor base limits: 1100K/1100K, 2LP, limit=2^26 / 2^26
    Sieve region: lattice only, N(q)=1100000...3500000 (14.8.0 hours)
    relations: total: 2443980, final fulls:182902 (0.8 hours)
    Matrix: 171666 x 182902 with weight 23988332
    Pruned matrix: 161107 x 161310 with weight 20802635 (solve time 2.0 hours)
    Square root: 0.3 hours.
    Divisor 1: 37975227936943673922808872755445627854565536638199
    Divisor 2: 40094690950920881030683735292761468389214899724061
    Total time: 18 hours

    GGNFS Version: GGNFS-0.54.4
    rsa110: n= 35794234179725868774991807832568455403003778024228226193532908190484670252364677411513516111204504060317568667
    Digits: 110
    Poly: 423645600x^5 + 184792454222x^4 - 401523870222664x^3 + 917216805280379393x^2 -189354398484955516596x + 7227485970292708793872
    Factor base limits: 3M/3M, 2LP, limit=2^26 / 2^26
    Sieve region: lattice only, N(q)=3M..9.4M (50 hours)
    relations: total: 3.5M, final fulls:439221 (1.8 hours)
    Matrix: 433833 x 439221
    Pruned matrix: 418129 x 418594 (solve time 6.0 hours)
    Square root: 0.8 hours.
    Divisor 1: 5846418214406154678836553182979162384198610505601062333
    Divisor 2: 6122421090493547576937037317561418841225758554253106999
    Total time: 58 hours