options ls=78 ps=49 nocenter nodate; data nitrofen; length treatment $8. ; input Group_1 Group_2 @@; /* Read in data side-by-side but output them stacked. The @@ sign tells SAS to keep reading pairs of numbers until you run out of numbers.*/ treatment="Group_1"; response=Group_1; output; treatment="Group_2"; response=Group_2; output; drop Group_1 Group_2; datalines; 15.1 6.8 14.9 7.5 14.8 8.6 14.2 8.4 13.1 8.9 12.8 8.1 15.5 9.2 15.9 9.5 ; /* Proc ttest does both the separate and pooled two independent sample t-tests */ proc ttest; class treatment; var response; title "Analysis of EX 6.75 Experiment"; run; /* The npar1way procedure implements a number of nonparameteric analyses for one-way classified data. Here we invoke the wilcoxon option to get the Wilcoxon rank sums test.*/ proc npar1way wilcoxon; class treatment; var response; title "Wilcoxon rank sum analysis of Ex 6.75 experiment"; run;